Friday, 6 March 2009

Halo 3 Skills: Where's that Sniper!!??

2 in the chest or 1 in the head...decisions decisions. Hands up who likes to snipe?

There are many locations Halo 3 offers to the sneaky sniper who knows where to hunt during noob season. Before attempting any of the Halo 3 locations or applying the Halo 3 tactics (for the sniper) get accustomed to your tool of death first...

Sniping aint easy, an noob can shoot, it takes a real Spartan to snipe! The Halo 3 locations listed below are just some of the key Halo 3 secrets that are great for your Halo 3 rank when you get to the sniper rifle first...enjoy:

Location: Halo 3 - High Ground

If you start off at the bottom of the map (near the ocean) then make a bee line for the sniper rifle. This is a personal favourite snipe point and I'm proud to say I found this...yeah me! (although I'm sure I ain't the first). I'm not going to tell you exactly how to get to this birds nest, because part of the fun of improving you Halo 3 skills is to do find out for yourself. All I'm gonna say is, find a tree and climb it mutha' sniper...

This has great coverage as the tree canaopy provides great cover. This will also give you scope on the unfortunate person who thinks he's clever when he gets the Spartan Laser in the tall tower...take that mutha' out!

Location: Halo 3 - Last Resort

One of the more popular snipe points this is a little tricky to get to. Again, I aint spillin' no Halo beans but either climb your way from the beach or take a few jumps along the broken brickwork to access this sneaky, snipey platform...warning though, make your shots count, you are exposed up here...there's no canopy to hide you here so keep moving...there may be another sniper on this map to worry about...

Location: Halo 3 - Narrows

This is one of the most symmetrical Halo 3 maps so there are actually 4 of these snipe points ( 2 in each base). Look at the picture, see that glowing mass of wisdom?...thats me. From this Halo 3 secret location you have a great panoramic view of the top of the bridge in Narrows...simply watch those bulletts fly through yo' foes as they make their way over to your base...great fun, but there's no coverage so alternate snipe points. If you're feeling particularly fly, see if they have a sniper in either of their 'nests'...if you get yourself above their base in your enemies snipe's like kickin' puppies.

Location: Halo 3 - Valhalla

Take note of the picture on this one. You need both the Sniper Rifle and the Banshee to make the most of this snipe point. That's all the clues your getting to access this Halo 3 location. This is perhaps the most extreme snipe point in the game. A pain to access but when you do, make sure your mic is turned up, as your enemies will have no clue where those bulletts are coming from...oh yeah, make sure you take that Spartan Laser guy out who usually hangs out around the central rocks...I hate that guy.

Until next time, Happy Hunting Spartans...

Mr Secrets and Cheats (Gamer Tag - Johnny Nice)

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